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100 YEARS: Radlett Literary Society celebrate centenary after a year of waiting

 Published on: 23rd August 2021   |   By: Jake Levison   |   Category: Uncategorized

The Radlett Literary Society (RLS) finally got to meet up and celebrate its centenary year with a garden party.

COVID-19 restrictions forced the members of the RLS, founded in 1920, to wait a year to celebrate the milestone, but on Sunday, July 18, RLS president Roger Masters and his wife, Paula, hosted a garden party in beautiful surroundings and glorious weather. 

The 20 members able to attend were delighted to be able to meet in person after a season of meeting via Zoom instead of in members’ homes.  

The garden party was also an opportunity to celebrate the key contribution of the retiring Mrs Muriel Beaver, who had been secretary of the Society for the last 21 years, a role which the society say she carried out with “exemplary efficiency and friendliness”.

The members presented Muriel with flowers, a book token and a silver-plated tea strainer to express their immense appreciation of her work. 

RLS meets fortnightly during the autumn and winter months; members prepare a paper on a topic of personal interest to share and discuss, normally in a member’s home. 

If anyone is interested in more information with a view to joining the RLSfor their new season, please contact the new secretary, Jane Sheridan, on 01923 856603. 

Pictured left to right: Jane Sheridan, secretary, Roger Masters, president and Muriel Beaver, retiring secretary.

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