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ULEZ EXPANSION: Stanmore MP ‘outraged’ by Ultra-Low Emission Zone Expansion

 Published on: 25th November 2022   |   By: Jacob Collick   |   Category: Uncategorized

Bob Blackman MP for Harrow East has declared his “outrage” towards plans announced this morning by the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan to expand the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to all of Greater London from next year.

From August 29, the drivers of cars deemed as polluting will have to pay a £12.50 fee per day to enter the Greater London Authority boundary.

Plans to expand the ULEZ have been opposed by many across London and Stanmore, with Mr Blackman MP opposing the plans alongside nearly 60% of respondents to an earlier public consultation to the plans.

Mr Blackman told StanmoreNews: “I am outraged by the Mayor of London’s announcement this morning, confirming that the ULEZ area will expand to the whole of London from next year.

“This is yet another attack on drivers now facing an additional £12.50 a day to merely get to work or have their car on the drive.

“Electric cars are still expensive and public transport is not always frequent and reliable, leaving the majority of the public in difficult situations, particularly our key workers who often have to work night shifts when there is a considerably reduced public transport network.”

Mr Khan said: “Our city is being smothered by toxic air—and it’s hurting and killing Londoners, leading to asthma, dementia, and even cancer. Air pollution particles have even been found in the livers and brains of unborn babies. We cannot stand idly by and allow this to continue.”

Deputy Leader of Harrow Council and Stanmore councillor Marilyn Ashton said: “I think it’s a terrible mistake. I don’t think it will make any difference to the quality of the air; it’s going to penalise the least well off who can’t afford to buy newer cars that don’t pollute. It’s effectively a tax.”

The councillor also suggested that the move would impact local businesses, with those living outside the ULEZ likely to choose to eat and shop outside of London so as to avoid the £12.50 fee.

Photo credit: Alena Veasey/

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