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 Published on: 13th February 2014   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

Thieves who have stolen sandbags from river banks in Three Rivers have been criticised. Stephen Halls, chief executive of Three Rivers District Council, said his sympathies are with householders who have been directly affected by the floods and said he is thankful the impact of the floods has been relatively minor compared to other parts of the country. Dr Halls said he is disappointed that some sandbags have been stolen however. He explained: “Routine maintenance of our riverbanks includes the temporary use of sandbags to bolster areas of erosion.  While these sandbags in themselves would not prevent a major flood, they do help to alleviate the impact on flooding.  Residents with any information about this irresponsible crime should contact the Police or the District Council in confidence.” The District Council has provided 3,000 sandbags to help in the flooding and is considering selling bags to private residents in the future to make protecting homes easier.  Any profits would be used to help provide frontline services.  Providing sandbags to private residents is not the responsibility of District or Parish Councils but Three Rivers has been providing help in exceptional circumstances. Dr Halls added: “District Council officers and councillors have worked hard over the past week to alleviate the limited but serious flooding in the area and in Park Road in particular. I would also like to thank the emergency services and in particular the Fire and Rescue team for their sterling work in clearing Park Road and other flood areas. “I must remind residents of their responsibility to plan ahead and protect their homes.  We are looking at how we may help with sandbag provision in the future, but it is essential that we all plan ahead. As always, please look out for elderly and vulnerable neighbours and information, advice and updates are available from the Council and other national and local agencies.”  

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