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RESPECTS PAID: Last Post sounds out at Everett Rovers games’ Remembrance commemorations

 Published on: 1st December 2021   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A rendition of ‘The Last Post’ marked the two minutes silence at the kick-off of Everett Rovers matches on Remembrance weekend, a new tradition they hope to continue.

The club, which had multiple games going on with its numerous teams, marked the moment just before their start at 9:30am. Trumpeter Nicola Harrison, a sixth former at Watford Grammar Schools for Girls, played the bugle call.

Peter Cave, a trustee at the club and assistant coach said:

“The ‘Last Post’ on Remembrance Sunday was played this year for the first time at our club and, hopefully, will continue every year for the foreseeable future.

“All the players, Everett officials, parents and friends responded impeccably to respect what the occasion stood for.”

This new observance is just another milestone for the Garston-based club, who have been going from strength to strength lately.

The recent addition of a ladies team, plans to introduce Astroturf to their grounds and the largest inclusive team in Hertfordshire have also been recent notable achievements.

But with expansion, comes new obstacles. With the ever-growing list of teams and players, the club are now looking for some new coaches to help manage them.

Club Chairman Andy Tyres said: “We now have over 300 players at our club, from the ‘tots’ aged from 4 years old to an adults team and a ladies team. We are also proud that we have over 60 ‘Inclusive’ players which is more than any other club in Hertfordshire.

We are still growing as a Club, but with players on a wait list to join one of our teams, we are in desperate need for volunteer managers/coaches to join us.”

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