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QUALITY STANDARDS: Pinner Memorial Park given Green Flag status

 Published on: 29th October 2020   |   By: Geraint Roberts   |   Category: Uncategorized

Five of the Harrow’s parks, including Pinner Memorial Park, have been honoured with Green Flag Awards marking them out as among the best green and open spaces in the country.

Canons Park, Harrow Recreation Ground, Roxeth Recreation Ground and Kenton Recreation Ground were also awarded the accolade recently.

The Green Flag Award scheme is the benchmark national standard for parks and green spaces in the UK.

Managed by the Civic Trust, it recognises and rewards the best green and open spaces in the country.

Having Green Flag status ensures the high level of quality against which our parks and green spaces are measured and is seen as a way of encouraging high environmental standards.

Councillor Varsha Parmar, environment portfolio holder, said: “This recognition of the Borough’s wonderful parks is a tremendous honour and shows richness in our green spaces.

“With the COVID-19 pandemic our green spaces have been even more important for our residents this year for exercise and mental and physical health.

“These fantastic resources provide tranquil respite from stress and space for safe exercise. They are also rich with biodiversity and encourage high environmental standards.”

Picture credit: Len Kerswill

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