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Public backs new safety standards for heavy goods vehicle

 Published on: 8th May 2019   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

Heavy Goods Vehicles in Pinner and across London will be safer later in the year after new safety standards are brought in October

The Direct Vision Standard has been backed by members of the public from across the capital.

It will tackle road danger at its source by minimising HGVs’ blind spots, which contribute to many tragic deaths and life-changing injuries.

Research shows that between 2015 and 2017, HGVs were disproportionately involved in fatal collisions with people cycling (63 per cent) and walking (25%) on London’s streets, despite only making up four per cent of the miles driven in the capital.

To overcome this, HGVs will be categorised depending on the level of a driver’s direct vision from a cab, and will then be given a rating between ‘zero-star’ (lowest) and ‘five-star’ (highest).

Only those vehicles rated ‘one-star’ and above, or those that have comprehensive safety systems, will be able to operate in London from 2020.

From 2024, the minimum requirement will be ‘three-star’ or a Progressive Safe System.

HGVs that do not meet the required Direct Vision Standard star rating will need to improve the overall safety through Safe System mitigating measures such as cameras, sensors and audible warnings.

Will Norman, London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner, said: ‘I’m delighted by the support that the public has shown for our world-leading plans to remove the most unsafe lorries from our streets.

‘In just a few months’ time London will become the first city in the world to introduce safety permits for lorries, reducing the chances of further heartbreak and tragedy on our roads.

‘Improving HGV safety standards will dramatically reduce danger for both cyclists and pedestrians. This will enable more people to cycle and walk as part of their everyday routine – improving their health and helping tackle London’s toxic air.’

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