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NOISE WORRIES: Concern over potential traffic in Chorleywood after proposed move in care village

 Published on: 27th September 2022   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

Chorleywood residents have expressed their worries over a potential increase in traffic and noise that could be caused by the decision of a retirement village to move its laundry and maintenance building.

Cedars Village, located just off Dog Kennel Lane to the north east of Chorleywood Common, have recently put in an application that would see their existing garages demolished and the construction of seven new bungalows, as well as a new laundry and maintenance store with additional parking.

However, many nearby residents to the site have objected to the proposal, citing concerns that the move could lead to an increase in the number of heavy goods vehicles arriving on the road, creating lots of noise and pollution in the area.

One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “It concerns me about the impact the move will have on the common and the residents. It will disrupt a lot of people’s peace and quiet.

“I don’t understand why they’re putting this at the entrance when they’ve got that land.”

The proposal is currently under consideration by Three Rivers District Council (TRDC). So far, more than 30 objections have been made to the development, including one from Chorleywood Parish Council.

They stated their worries of how the plans could see an adverse impact on the Chorleywood Common and also lead to an increase in noise for nearby residents, with particular issue being raised about the proposal for heat pumps to be added to the site.

In response to the concerns, a spokesperson for Cedars Village’s parent company, Retirement Villages, said: “Our plan for Cedars Village includes updating the Mansion House – with improved facilities, furniture, and refreshed décor, as well as implementing our decarbonisation strategy to improve the energy efficiency of the building – all while keeping the special heritage features of this stunning Grade II listed building intact.

“We’re also creating a brand-new multi-purpose hall for resident activities and events, seven bungalows to meet the local need for high quality retirement living, and improved spaces for essential village services, such as laundry and maintenance.

“We’ve engaged with residents and staff at Cedars throughout the year, which has been hugely important in shaping our application. We anticipate a phased programme of works will take approximately 18 months to complete, during which there will be a certain level of unavoidable noise and disruption. This will be managed through a detailed construction management plan, intelligent sequencing of the works. The number of HGVs visiting the site will be kept low.

“This significant investment in Cedars is part of RVG’s strategy to ensure our villages remain beautiful, sustainable places to live for both current and future residents. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused as we update the site but are confident that residents will only benefit once works have been completed.”

Photo Credit: Google Maps

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