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NO DECISION: Maple Cross development goes to Inspectorate with two more warehouses planned

 Published on: 23rd February 2022   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

After an extraordinary planning meeting failed to yield a result from Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) on the warehouse development in Maple Cross, the decision will now go to the Planning Inspectorate.

This comes after developers put in an appeal, tired of what they considered a far too long delay from TRDC to make a decision on the matter.

This comes after news that a further two warehouses are being put forward for construction in addition to the original six that are planned, which, residents believe, would add to even more traffic on Denham Way.

At the extraordinary meeting, which took place on February 8, residents of Maple Cross expressed the various issues they had with the development, including the possibility of water, air and noise pollution and the application’s lack of plan to deal with biodiversity.

Speaking to RICKYnews, Maple Lodge Conservation Society said: “It is over two and a half years since the first planning application was submitted, so there has been more than enough time for a decision to be made, but TRDC have now run out of time, so it’s been passed on to the Planning Inspectorate. 

“The issues that existed two and a half years ago still exist today, in particular the risks to the public supply of drinking water. It’s the wrong development in the wrong place.”

Legal & General Ltd (applicants) and C4 Projects (designers) have both been contacted for comment. 

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