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NHS INSPIRED: COVID survivor on a mission to give back to Watford General Hospital

 Published on: 16th February 2021   |   By: Lizzie Ellis   |   Category: Uncategorized

A man who nearly died from COVID-19 is on a mission to give back to the nurses who helped him at Watford General Hospital, by organising a large scale fundraising project. 

Clint Whitaker wants to show his appreciation for the NHS by raising money to pay for Watford’s Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) nurses to receive group wellbeing sessions at Lindengate Mental Health Charity.

Clint said: “I spent a lot of time in hospital. While I was there it struck me how tough the nurses had it. When you’re in a coma you can do absolutely nothing for yourself, and they are there with no hesitation and absolute conviction. 

“These people are so dedicated. I have close friends who work in hospitals and care homes and during the second wave, I saw how they were starting to crash, showing signs of PTSD.

“I sat there and I wondered, why are there no programmes to catch these nurses, why are there no programmes of work to destress them. I thought I am going to start raising money for this.”

Clint discussed his ideas with mental health nurse and systems psychodynamic analyst Sara Crean-Muir, who was contracted to run NHS psychological wellbeing interventions with ITU nurses during the first lockdown. Sara agreed to lead a model for the ITU nurses at Watford to process their feelings and experiences through wellness sessions.

Sara explained: “Clint has the biggest heart and commitment to match. He decided that he wanted to do something for these nurses because they saved his life. I am delighted to be a part of it, as a nurse I am so passionate about healthcare staff wellbeing.”

Clint has set up a fundraising page, where he hopes to raise enough money to fund group therapy sessions for the entire ITU unit at Watford Hospital. He wants to encourage at least 10 people to walk 10 miles a week to help raise the money.

The Lindengate charity offers specialist services known as Social and Therapeutic Horticulture (STH) to promote health and wellbeing.

He added: “I hope it will draft change in the country, be an example to the NHS Trust and that they can see the benefits.

“When I left the hospital, the nurses said they’d never see me again – I want to prove them wrong. I want them to know that the community is there for them and we do care about them and love them.”

To find out more about the project and donate, visit

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