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Kings Langley pupil heads to Oxford University

 Published on: 23rd September 2013   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

The head teacher of Kings Langley School has hailed the achievements of a student who has become the sixth form’s first pupil to earn a place at Oxford University. Jack Edmunds, 18, has secured a place to read history at Mansfield College, Oxford, after achieving three A* grades in History, Geography and Law. His success makes him Kings Langley School’s first ever pupil to accepted into Oxford University, an achievement which comes as the sixth form celebrates its best ever set of A-Level results. Though this coincides with a dip in GCSE results, staff at the school are hopeful that a bright future lays ahead. Kings Langley School head Gary Lewis told My Kings News that Jack’s achievements are a sign of progression for the school. He said: “It reflects the school’s year on year improvement of A-Level standards, a lot are now raising their sights where they wouldn’t have done before. The aspirations of our students are much greater, as well as Jack we had two other students with three A* grades who are going to top redbrick universities. “Although grades at the school are around the national average, generally speaking we have less higher ability kids as we are located close to selective schools,” he added. “For us it is a greater achievement to have these results as pupils have to push themselves very hard. Students aiming for Oxbridge are at a disadvantage as they often don’t have the competition they would do at private schools.” Mr Lewis highlighted Jack’s admission to Oxford, stating that it was a turning point for Kings Langley School. “Most of it is down to his raw intelligence and ability,” he added.      

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