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Hundreds take part in Ricky Road Run

 Published on: 27th October 2014   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

The annual Ricky Road Run took place yesterday and over 600 runners took part on the gruelling course. It started and finished in Mill End and also took in Chorleywood and Little Chalfont on its route. One of the participants in the race was Three Rivers District Chairman, Chris Lloyd, and he told My News Magazines that he although he was suffering today, he was delighted to complete the course for his chosen charity. He said: “As ever, it was a really well organised event on what is a fairly tough and hilly course. “I started the run with a friend of mine but after about 6 miles I could feel my hip go so I told him to go on. “I then got chatting to plenty of other people around and a lot of the runners were raising money for charity. “My charity for this year is Action for Children and I was delighted to finish the course for them.” Councillor Lloyd added that a lot of money was raised for Water Aid and Peace Hospice by a lot of the runners and he explained that it wasn’t just runners from Hertfordshire who took part. “It really was good to see runners from across the country take part. There were a few from Devon who came up to run the course but also even a few from abroad which is great” added Cllr Lloyd. “I also want to thank all the sponsors and to the people who organise this wonderful event.”

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