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HISTORY MAKERS: Berkhamsted Golf Club announces first ever mixed-gender tournament

 Published on: 1st February 2020   |   By: Geraint Roberts   |   Category: Uncategorized

Berkhamsted Golf Club have made a historic announcement by revealing the Berkhamsted Trophy will include both genders competing, which is a world-first for elite amateur golf.

Both men and women will participate in the tournament, vying for the same prize, making the 61st Berkhamsted Tournament a landmark event.

The 72-hole event on Berkhamsted Golf Club’s bunker-free natural heathland golf course will take place from April 2 to April 4 this year.

Berkhamsted Golf Club is working closely with the R&A and England Golf to set up a flexible teeing system which will allow both genders to compete on an equal playing field.

Berkhamsted Golf Club captain, Henry Tse said: “It is unsustainable, in the long term, for golf to continue to keep men and women part like it has historically done.

“Berkhamsted has always been a progressive club, and we like to play golf as nature intended – as expressed by the lack of man-made hazards on our golf course.

“This decision is a natural evolution not only of that ethos, but also of the way the modern world works. We will be excited to see men and women compete equally for our beloved trophy.”

The initial idea of introducing this world-first came from Peter McEvoy OBE when he visited the club to consult on its golf course.

The amateur golf icon, who was an unbeaten Great Britain and Ireland Walker Cup captain, is now a golf-course architect. 

He said: “I am thrilled that Berkhamsted Golf Club has made this move, and to have such an enthusiastic support from The R&A and England Golf is the icing on the cake.

“Berkhamsted is a superb test of golf and particularly course management skills and it will fascinating to watch men and woman compete for the same trophy on such a magnificent golf course.”

Christine Foreman, Berkhamsted Ladies’ captain, has also praised the decision: “This innovative step will be much welcomed by lady golfers far and wide. It will put Berkhamsted at the forefront of modern golf.”

To enter the 61st Berkhamsted Trophy, please contact the golf club on 01442 865832 or visit

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