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FOUL FLOODING: Croxley sewer problems hopefully fixed after councillor’s intervention

 Published on: 20th October 2022   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

Houses on a Croxley road have been having to deal with flooding and waste spills after their sewage pipes were found to be severely blocked.

Residents on Bateman Road have been struggling with problems ever since a large storm back in June, which saw gardens filling up with sewage and mess.

When called out to help solve the problem, operator Thames Water unblocked the sewer, but refused to investigate further, blaming the incident on residents flushing wet wipes and other items down their toilets.

However, Croxley district Green councillor Chris Mitchell, himself a water engineer, dismissed the explanation. He believed the storm had caused the overflow and that quick action needed to be taken.

After continual pressure from councillor Mitchell, residents, officers from Three Rivers District Council and a county councillor, from mid-August onwards Thames Water have finally been investigating.

Chris explained what they found: “There was a build-up of concrete and cement in the sewage pipe, probably caused over several years by people hosing unused mortar and similar products down the drains,”

“The materials dried out as they were swept along the pipes, solidified and blocked the drains, causing flood water to enter the foul sewer and pour out of manholes during storms.”

Thames Water have agreed to ensure such flooding would happen again. Cllr Mitchell has also asked any residents who still have problems to contact the company, and himself at

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