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Family solicitors open new offices in style

 Published on: 20th October 2017   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

A family run firm of solicitors held a successful open evening to celebrate their move to new offices in the High Street. Pinner based EM Collins & Co moved to Wakefield House having outgrown their previous offices. The evening on May 21st was well attended . The guest of honour was Mary Collins who founded the practice in 1984 before handing the reins over to her daughter Aisling. Aisling said: “It was wonderful to see so many people at the event, many of whom have helped us get to this point in our practice’s growth.” “It also gave me a great opportunity to thank my team and most importantly my Mum who laid the foundations to make this all possible.” “By moving into the new offices we have given ourselves a prime location and wonderful environment to continue providing our clients with the highest levels of service possible.” On show during the evening was information about the building’s history. The property dates back to the 1700s and was the home of members of the artist Heath Robinson’s family. A former resident of Wakefield House, Margaret Cole, was invited to the evening. She said: “Looking around the building brought back so many wonderful memories for me and it was a lovely gesture to be asked to attend.” Jon Shaw, a local estate agent who attended the evening said: “They have done a great job of renovating what is one of the most historic buildings in Pinner.” EM Collins & Co specialises in Family Law and Family Mediation, Wills and Trusts, Probate, and all other related areas. It has a small, dedicated team of experts headed up by Aisling. The firm covers all of HA5 as well as Ruislip, Stanmore and Northwood. Call E M Collins on 020 8866 1820.

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