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CRIME SPREE: Police warn residents following criminal activity around Cassiobury Park

 Published on: 18th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

An arrest has been made, and Hertfordshire Police have issued a warning to residents, following a series of crimes around Cassiobury Park in Watford.

Police in Watford are aware that there have been concerns about a number of attempted robberies which occurred between Monday, June 3, and Thursday, June 13, in Cassiobury Park and surrounding areas. They would like to clarify the situation and reassure residents.

There are a number of ongoing investigations, and the police are urging residents to get in contact if they have any information.

On Monday, June 3, at around 3.10pm on Shepherds Road, eight males, believed to be in their late teens and wearing dark-coloured tracksuits, approached the victim and demanded his mobile phone. The victim refused and was assaulted before making off from the scene. No injuries were reported. (Crime reference 41/44752/24.)

On Tuesday, June 11, police were contacted about three separate incidents. The first was an attempted robbery which occurred at around 11am in Cassiobury Park. One male stopped the victim and demanded his phone before the victim was assaulted. No injuries were reported and nothing was taken. (Crime reference 41/46824/24.)

On the same day, police received reports of an attempted robbery at around 6.20pm in Cassiobury Park. A man who is described as around 5ft 11in tall and wearing a large coat and a balaclava approached two young people on an e-bike and demanded one of their phones. The two victims made off from the suspect and nothing was taken. (Crime reference ISR 684 of 11 June.)

Also on Tuesday, June 11, police received a report of suspicious behaviour which occurred on Shepherds Road. It is reported that the victim was being followed by two males wearing face coverings who demanded his phone. The victim sought help from members of the public and the suspects made off towards the train station. Nothing was taken. (Crime reference ISR 370 of 12 June.)

The following day, police were contacted about a robbery in Cassiobury Park, at around 10.15pm that day. It is alleged that a man aged in his 30s was approached by two males, one of whom was described as having a bladed weapon, and both wearing black puffer coats and balaclavas. The victim was then assaulted before an orange and silver e-bike was taken, and the suspects were seen riding off in the direction of Hempstead Road. Officers, alongside colleagues from the police helicopter and dog unit, were deployed. (Crime reference 41/47416/24.)

On Thursday, June 13, police were alerted of an attempted robbery in Shepherds Road at around 5.30pm that day. It was reported that a man was approached by approximately five males with covered faces who demanded the victim’s phone. The victim refused and a knife was reportedly seen, before being discarded by a suspect. Following fast-time enquiries and an area search, a knife was recovered and an 18-year-old man from Surrey was arrested on suspicion of attempted robbery and possession of an offensive weapon. He was released on police bail with conditions not to enter Watford whilst enquiries continue. (Crime reference 41/47702/24.)

Detective Sergeant Sarah Hern, from the Watford Local Crime Unit, said: “I appreciate these incidents will be alarming to our local community. A number of the victims who have been targeted are of secondary school age. I would like to reassure parents, guardians, students and members of the public that we are doing everything we can to trace all those involved. We have increased our police presence in the area and are liaising with other relevant partners.

“If there is a crime in action or you see something suspicious happening, please call 999 immediately. If you are unable to call for help at the time, please contact us as soon as possible.”

You can report information online at, speak to an operator in the Force Communications Room via the online web chat at or call the non-emergency number 101.

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