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Chorleywood group conquers Snowdon for charity 

 Published on: 21st May 2019   |   By: News Desk   |   Category: Uncategorized

Pupils, parents and teachers from Chorleywood Primary School climbed Mount Snowdon last month to raise money for their school and The Trussell Trust.

The group of 52, accompanied by a dog, trekked up the Welsh mountain on Sunday, May 5 and have currently raised just over £2,200 in the process. 

Jonathan Ridgeway, who helped organised the trek, said it was enjoyed by everyone who took part.

He continued: “It all went really well and everyone enjoyed it. We all completed the walk between two and three hours and we was then having celebratory drinks by 4pm which was good and well deserved.

“We chose Snowdon because it is quite an accessible challenge for adults and children and it is an amazing feeling to complete something like that.”

Whilst raising money for the school, the group decided to raise awareness and funds to a charity which they thought “do an amazing job”.

The Trussell Trust aim to end hunger and poverty in the UK by supporting a nationwide network of food banks and provide emergency food and support for people who are suffering from poverty. 

Jonathan explained how it was amazing to do something like this whilst giving back to the foodbank charity.

He went on: “In this day and age, the cut backs to austerity means a lot of people fall through the safety net and find themselves in really hard situations.

“We all think they do an amazing job and we wanted to recognise them by raising both money and awareness through the walk.”

The schoolchildren, who were aged from three to fourteen years of age, all described it as an amazing experience. 

Year 6 student, Amelia said “It was really hard, but was worth it as I got my McDonalds.”

Schoolboy Zach found it tough but got a sense of achievement which he reached the summit. 

Ruhi said: “The views were astonishing and it was an amazing experience, but it took a while to climb up and come back down again.”

Nick, who was one of the many parents who took part in the climb said: “It was very enjoyable especially getting to the summit and having a nice cuppa.”

Co-chair of the Chorleywood Primary School’s PTA said the money will go towards refreshing the playground and equipment whilst helping The Trussell Trust continue their amazing work. 

Tania Ridgeway said: “The PTA are really grateful to all the staff, parents and children that took park in climbing Snowdon and for all the sponsorship monies raised. 

“This money helps our school greatly and will go towards refreshing the playground markings, mindfulness workshops, iPads and lots more. We are also very happy to be making a donation to The Trussell Trust.”

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