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Businessman who careered into Army veteran and fled is jailed

 Published on: 20th August 2018   |   By: Tim Green   |   Category: Uncategorized

A wealthy businessman who lost control of his supercar and careered into an army veteran making his way to the Whitehall Remembrance Sunday parade was jailed for 22 months.

Ravi Ruparelia, 30, span his £130,000 McLaren 540C Coupé through a red light into Anthony Davis, 68, on Park Lane on November 12 last year.

Mr Davis was knocked unconscious and left with a broken leg while Ruparelia ‘scarpered’ leaving his motor, which can accelerate to 60mph in 3.5 seconds, at the scene.

Judge Martin Beddoe described Ruparelia making a getaway as ‘akin to perverting the course of justice’ and ‘almost as bad and as callous an example of that as one could contemplate.’

Prosecutor Carol Summers said: ‘Mr Davis was getting off at Marble Arch tube station to take part in the Remembrance Day parade at Whitehall.

‘He is 68 years of age, working as a security guard for many years, he is an Army veteran and put his name down to take part along with many others and was very honoured to have been chosen.

‘He was due to meet his party at 8am at Horse Guards Parade and he was early so he went to Costa on Marble Arch.’

Mr Davis crossed the road and stopped halfway on the island, waiting for the green man, Southwark Crown Court heard.

‘He heard a high speed racing car coming in his direction somewhere further down Park Lane, travelling north towards Marble Arch,’ said Ms Summers.

‘He could hear the engine revving and said he could tell it was going really fast.’

The pedestrian light turned green but Mr Davis decided not to cross due to the noise from the oncoming coupe.

‘The next thing that he knew he was on the ground surrounded by members of the public, paramedics and police,’ said the prosecutor.

‘He had lost consciousness at some point.’

He was rushed to hospital where he had pins put inserted into his tibia and fibula and was bedridden for a week.

A follow up x-ray a few weeks later revealed a further fracture just below the knee and Mr Davis was informed he would not recover until February.

He was unable to work and unable to move without being pushed in a wheelchair, and the loss of £7,000 income meant he could not afford Christmas presents for his children and grandchildren.

He returned to work in April but in a desk role but he still suffers nightmares and flashbacks.

An off duty police officer had described ‘an enormous bang’ and rushed to help the victim.

Footage of the incident shows Ruparelia pulling his hood over his head before fleeing on foot, the court heard.

‘The defendant had vanished,’ said Ms Summers.

‘CCTV shows the defendant having a quick look across to where Mr Davis is lying on the ground, then pulling his hood up and running as fast as he can in the opposite direction.’

Ruparelia called police later that afternoon to ask about his car, asking whether he could pick it up, but did not ask about his victim.

He was interviewed on November 21 and later on January 13 but was uncooperative.

Forensic examinations of the air bag activated during the collision showed he had been at the wheel.

He admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving and failing to stop on May 4.

The judge told Ruparelia he was ‘fully aware that there had been a victim of your very bad driving.

‘You ran, putting yourself before anyone else.

‘You had no idea how badly injured he might be or indeed, that he wasn’t dead.’

Ruparelia wrote a letter to the court but the judge found it hard to see the expressions of remorse amounting to ‘anything other than self-pity.’

The events have put an intolerable strain on Ruparelia’s marriage, business and mental health, the court heard.

Ruparelia lives in a £1.2m house and runs a catering business which spans the length of the country.

Quentin Hunt, defending, said: ‘He wants to make a contribution to Help for Heroes which is close to Mr Davis’ heart.’

Judge Beddoe replied: ‘I’m not interested in what he pays to Help for Heroes, that seems a bit tangential.

‘There has been nothing to prevent him since the accident contacting the victim and saying how sorry he was for what happened.’

Ruparelia, of Sandy Lane, Bushey, Herts, admitted causing injury by dangerous driving and failing to stop.

He was sentenced to 22 months imprisonment and disqualified from driving for 18 months.

In addition he was ordered to pay £5,000 compensation to Mr Davis.

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