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Bedmond man jailed for sex assault

 Published on: 12th February 2018   |   By: Jason Allen   |   Category: Uncategorized

A 19-year-old man from Bedmond has been sentenced to 12 months in a young offender institute after he admitted sexual activity with a vulnerable teenager.

Mason Sanders, who was 18 at the time, was supposed to be looking after his victim while his mum was out.

Sanders performed a sex act on him while at his home one evening last November when he was supposed to be caring for him.

He appeared at St Albans crown court to plead guilty to an offence of sexual activity with a person by a care worker.

The court was told the victim told his teacher the next day that the defendant “had been naughty.”

Judge Andrew Bright QC, hearing the case, was told the boy had been left tearful and emotional because of what happened and had difficulty sleeping.

Sanders was sentenced to 12 months in a young offenders institute by the judge, who told him it was a bad case of “breach of trust.”

He went on “I would be failing in my public duty if I didn’t mark it with an immediate custodial sentence.”

Mason was also made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order and told his name would go on the sex offenders register for the next 10 years.

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